I like development, working with new technologies and Windows Phone and over the past few weeks I have been working on a project that combines all of these. I call it JabbrPhone, its a Windows Phone client for Jabbr (the signalR based developer chat site).
So why did I want to make a phone app for JabbR? Well simply, for fun and to try something new that I haven't done before (in this instance its signalR).
For those who don't know what signalR is:
Async signaling library for .NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications.
It really is an awesome library. The JabbR project is also based on this and open sourced on Github which was great for me to get started.
The app isn't too far off at the moment, still a bit to do before its officially released. Current functionality:
- Login/Create user (/nick)
- List rooms
- Join a room
- send messages to a room (and get responses)
- List users in a room
Things left to do:
- Lobby functions
- User Actions
- Handle links in messages better
- support for private rooms
The source is available on github: https://github.com/dkarzon/JabbrPhone
Or download the xap from here: http://bit.ly/zTsCpu